Adult Dyslexia - Signs to Look For to Know If You Are Dyslexic

Have you been experiencing learning difficulty since childhood and now you want to know if you are dyslexic? Dyslexia is a learning disability. Children born with this disorder are struggling with reading, writing and spelling even with the presence of organized school system. Today, this disorder is a recognized illness and children are tested for this disorder as early as possible to know if their learning difficulty is due to dyslexia. But how about those people who have not tested for this disorder at the time that this disorder is not yet recognized?

There are still adult dyslexics now who grew up and not aware that their learning disability is due to dyslexia. They are just tagged as lazy and slow learners. These tags attached to their personality wounds their self-esteem and self-confidence. It is important to know if you are dyslexic and the good news is that it is not too late to get diagnosed. If you want to know what are the signs to look for to know if you are dyslexic, continue reading.

No two dyslexics are exactly the same but here are the most common signs and symptoms to know if you are dyslexic:

Difficulty recognizing the orientation of almost similar letters and numbers. Reversal of similar numbers and letters is one of the most common signs to look for to know if you are dyslexic. You are often confused and read letters like "b" as "d", "dog" as "bog" and numbers like "6" as "9".

Reading and comprehension is a struggle for dyslexic adults. This is another symptom to look for to know if you are dyslexic. You are a slow and inaccurate reader. You need to read a page twice or more to understand what you are reading. Most dyslexic adults hide their reading problems.

You are terrible with spelling ad writing. You are afraid to write or compose memos and letters because you have difficulty with spelling and in writing your thoughts on paper. If possible, you often avoid writing tasks.

Difficulty dealing with things in sequence. You often encounter difficulty in following instructions in sequence or multi-step directions. You also have trouble with counting numbers onwards or backwards and remembering days of the week is sometimes a struggle. Identifying directions is also a problem and often confused with right and left.

But despite of all those difficulties, dyslexics are not dumb. They may not be good in writing and reading but they are often very competent in oral language and have excellent memory. Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence and there are dyslexics who are successful in their chosen profession. The sad thing is that there are also many dyslexics who work on jobs below their intellectual capability because the negative experience they went through with their difficulties affects their confidence. It is essential to get diagnosed to know if you are dyslexic and get the proper treatment to increase the quality of your life.

Adult dyslexia is a known condition now and the first step in seeking the right treatment is to get diagnosed. You need a comprehensive adult dyslexia test to know if you are dyslexic.

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