How to Find Out If You Are Dyslexic

Suffering from learning disability is a very frustrating and disabling condition. Years ago dyslexia is a not a known condition and there are no tests available to identify the presence of this disorder. Sufferers grew up with their disability affecting their work and daily activities. Some have developed low self-esteem. Now screening test is available to find out if you are dyslexic. It is important to confirm if you really have dyslexia to seek the necessary treatment.

Knowing what you are going through and understanding about your learning disability is the first step in seeking treatment. Dyslexia is a learning disability that impairs a person's ability to process certain information despite of having normal intelligence. Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence because there are dyslexics who became successful in their profession despite of their disability. There are treatments available and it is essential to get the necessary evaluation and testing to find out if you are dyslexic.

One way to find out if you are dyslexic is to know the common symptoms of adult dyslexia. Although symptoms may vary from person to person, there are common symptoms of dyslexia. Some of the common signs of this learning disability are difficulty in reading, comprehension, spelling, distinguishing directions like left and right, following instructions and dealing with numbers or mathematical operation.

If you have the common symptoms it is best to take a comprehensive dyslexia screening test to find out if you are dyslexic. Different people have different symptoms of dyslexia and it is important to identify your specific learning disability because treatments are based on specific learning disability of the sufferer.

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