Late Diagnosis of Adult Dyslexia- Is There Still Hope?

Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects people of all ages. Just as with other disabilities, early detection of the condition and early intervention are beneficial to the person with the disability. However, this is not always the case with dyslexia because late diagnosis of adult dyslexia happens to most sufferers.

An Overlooked Beginning

Most of the time, the beginnings of dyslexia is overlooked, which is the reason why a lot of cases are only diagnosed during adulthood. To think of it, in present culture when a child has not yet learned to fluently read by the age of ten or eleven years, he or she would be often thought of to be lacking in motivation or intelligence.

Most people would think that they are stupid or lazy. However, in most cases, they are neither of the two. Most likely, they have dyslexia, which is a learning disability that causes their difficulty in understanding written language, even though they have normal or even higher-than-normal IQ. The wrong perception is one of the causes of the late diagnosis of adult dyslexia.

Faulty Wiring And Early Detection

The most recent studies show that the difficulties in reading that dyslexic people experience are due to "faulty wiring" in specific brain areas that have a relation to learning and language. Research also shows that identifiable genetic variations or defects are the partial cause of this faulty wiring.

Early screening and detection for such variations makes it possible for you to have appropriate and timely remedial training. Most experts suggest that children should be allowed to deal with their condition to overcome it and at least learn how to read at an acceptable level. However, since dyslexia is sometimes only diagnosed during adulthood, the benefits of early detection are not maximized.

Late Diagnosis of Adult Dyslexia

Although there are people who only become dyslexic during their adulthood, due to stroke and traumatic brain injury, in most cases the condition is a developmental disorder. According to experts, still, the majority of cases reported of people with dyslexia are adults who have had it ever since childhood but only knew they had it when they were already adults.

This late diagnosis of adult dyslexia is something most adult dyslexics are troubled with since early intervention is not a choice anymore. However, if you are one of those who had late detection, there is no reason to be troubled. Intervention no matter how early or late is still intervention, even though they may have varying effects.

The Issue On Brain Plasticity

Late diagnosis of adult dyslexia becomes an issue due to the premise of brain plasticity. Research shows that younger people or even animals have a more elastic brain than older counterparts. The relevance of brain plasticity is that it is one important factor in relation to intervention.

Since the brain is more elastic when you are younger; rewiring of the brain is then possible, since it hasn’t reached its mature state and continues to develop. Thus, if ever a learning disability like dyslexia is present, then your brain can still be developed to function at a more acceptable level, where the condition has minimal effect.

A lot of adults recently diagnosed with the condition fear that intervention would do them no good, simply because their brain is not as elastic anymore as children’s. However, recent studies show that the brain’s property of elasticity is still present even with adults.

This recent finding on plasticity in the adult brain is a breakthrough for adult dyslexics. So if you are an adult that had late diagnosis of adult dyslexia, then be happy! There is still hope for your condition to improve, even if only to an acceptable level.

Adult Dyslexia Awareness- Courses For The Work Place

Recently, a lot of attention has been given to the rights of people with disabilities. These rights include being able to have work, and not be discriminated by his or her colleagues. The workplace should also provide proper support for their employees’ condition, no matter what kind of disability the employee has.

One disability that may have great effect in the workplace is dyslexia. However, a lot of companies nowadays are trying their best to accommodate people with this condition into their working force. That is why they have to meet and provide for certain needs, so that employees with this condition can optimally work in the company. Adult dyslexia awareness is really important.

Improving Your Workplace

In fact, there are special institutions that provide assistance to companies and employers in able to help out their dyslexic employees. Some specialized institutions offer courses and sessions that target the workplace’s improvement in relation to the presence of dyslexia. They also provide adult dyslexia awareness programs.

The programs offered can vary, depending on the wanted outcome of the company. Each program has a different end goal, but generally they are tailored to improve the company and dyslexic employees’ relationship. Here are some of the common courses offered by some institutions for this purpose.

Professional Development Programs

Professional development should be continuous; thus, there are courses that can be taken by your company’s HR personnel, psychologists, trainers, and managers that are designed to upgrade their skills, particularly in regards to assessing dyslexia.

In this kind of program, they can learn and understand more about the said condition. The difficulties that are faced by dyslexic employees are pinpointed and discussed too. Additionally, some ways on how to make adjustments to enable your dyslexic employees to reach success and productivity are also tackled.

Workplace Awareness Programs (Adult Dyslexia Awareness)

The awareness of your workplace about the condition of dyslexia can be invaluable to the success of your company. There are courses and briefings that can be conducted to increase the awareness of all your employees about such kind of condition.

Here, dyslexia is explained using layman’s terms, in a manner that everyone can easily understand. Your employees are also exposed on how the condition can affect an individual, along with the skills and talents that dyslexic people possess. Basically, they are familiarized to the nature of the condition.

Ways on making adjustments and overcoming problems caused by the condition in the workplace are also discussed. All of your employees are also given tips on how they should relate with an officemate that has the condition. Additionally, they are taught how to cooperate with each other.

Skill Development Programs

This kind of program is focused on the development of the skill of your dyslexic employee. Improvement tips are taught, along with strategies on how to overcome common dyslexic problems. Confidence building is also a target for the program, since most adult dyslexics are frustrated and has low self-esteem due to their condition.

The flow of the program may vary depending on the individual being trained, his or her skills and weaknesses.

Work Skills Evaluation Program

This kind of program is made to ensure that the skills of the person you are eyeing to hire appropriately meet your job requirement. Additionally, it ensures you’re your dyslexic employee can work productively and efficiently.

Here, evaluation on whether extra training is needed by the employee to improve his or her skills. Also recommendations, on whether or not your employee needs computer aid, are also done.

Any individual who have learning disabilities should know what they are going through. It is important to go though a comprehensive adult dyslexia test to find out if you are really suffering from dyslexia. 

Adult Dyslexia And Related Conditions- Irlen Syndrome

One condition that a dyslexic person may have is the Irlen Syndrome. This condition is very much related to dyslexia since, they both have a number of similar symptoms. Additionally, a lot of dyslexics have this syndrome, along with having dyslexia itself.

From research and testing, it was found that a diversity of problems could result from seeing a distorted page of numbers, words, and musical notes. It can actually affect reading, spelling, and writing. Also, there are times that math, copying skills, music reading, driving, sports performance, ability to work on a computer, and being comfortable under fluorescent lights are also affected.

Defining Irlen

People with this syndrome perceive the printed page in a different way than those people that has normal vision. If you have this, you are obliged to constantly adapt to the distortions you are seeing on the printed page.

You can become a slow or inefficient reader because of this. Additionally, you may exhibit poor comprehension, since you don’t really understand what you are reading. You can also suffer from headaches, strain, or fatigue.

The condition can affect your attention-span, motivation, energy-level, depth-perception, handwriting, and most of all, your self-esteem. People who sufferers from this condition are sometimes labeled as underachievers that have behavioral, motivational or attitudinal problems.

This syndrome is considered to be a variable and complex condition that is often found co-existing with other learning-disabilities, such as dyslexia.

The Beginnings

The syndrome was identified first by Helen Irlen, an Educational Psychologist. This happened in the 1980’s while working in California with adult-learners. She was able to observe that a number of her students can read with better ease every time they used a colored overlay to cover the printed page they are reading.


If you are a dyslexic with this condition, you would have to undergo the patented treatment-method. Here you need to use specially formulated, colored overlays or colored lenses. You can wear these as glasses or even contact lenses. Once you use the lenses, a reduction or even elimination of perceptual-difficulties is experienced.

Their program is specifically designed to fulfill the needs of people with learning difficulties, such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and other conditions that can interfere with sufficient functioning inside the workplace, classroom, and socially.


Some symptoms of this syndrome are poor reading comprehension, reading in dim light, misreads words, skipping of words or lines, slow or hesitant manner of reading, and avoidance of reading itself.

While reading, a person with this condition can have numerous complaints like strain, fatigue, tiredness, sleepiness, headaches, and nausea. A person may also seem restless and fidgety while doing the task.

In regards to writing, you can have some trouble copying words, unequal spacing between characters, uphill or downhill direction of writing, and inconsistent spelling of words.

When using the computer, you can also feel fatigue and strain. You may also experience some difficulty when reading music. Also, you often have sloppy or careless math mistakes. When you write numbers in columns, they are also misaligned.

One obvious symptom however is the syndrome’s effect on your depth perception. You are often clumsy and have difficulty with sports that involve catching balls. You may also have problems in judging distances.

Most of the time, when people with dyslexia undergo treatment, the intervention is not successful since there is an underlying presence of Irlen Syndrome. That is why getting an assessment for this condition is equally important when you have dyslexia.

It is important to take the adult dyslexia assessment and know what you are dealing with. 

Treating Adult Dyslexia- Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program

Another program to treat adult dyslexia is the Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program (LIPS). This program generally uses phoneme awareness as its method to learn how to read efficiently.

The Program’s Premise

This method believes in the premise that the primary cause of problems related to decoding and spelling is the individual’s complexity in judging the identity, sound sequence and number that is found within words. This inability is then termed to be “weak phoneme awareness”.

A dyslexic person is basically thought of to have a weakness in his or her phonological processing. This weakness is the said cause on why both children and adults tend to add, substitute, omit, and reverse the sounds and the letters within the words that they read.

People with dyslexia cannot precisely get the words they are reading off the page, simply because even though they can correctly see the letters, they are unable to judge whether what they see would match what they are about to say. Because of this poor judgment, they are prevented from correcting and detecting their errors in spelling, reading and speech. Additionally, this can be the cause of difficulty when a person tries to learn a second language.

What It Does

The program aims to successfully develop a person with dyslexia’s phoneme awareness. Here you are able to apply the so-called awareness to your reading, spelling, writing, and speech both remedially and preventively.

If you train in this kind of program, you are aided to find out the different mouth actions that can produce real speech sounds. By the use of this kind of sensory information, you can verify sounds and know their order within words. Once you know this kind of skill, you are then enabled to correct yourself when reading, writing, spelling, and speaking.

Program Intensity

Generally, people under this program tend to gain several grade levels on their decoding ability within four to six weeks of having intensive training and treatment. If you are to undergo an intensive program, then you are required to undergo therapy for four hours in a day.

However, if you still have the choice on how intense you want your program to be. If you want it light, then they can adjust it so.

Findings have also shown that additional gains in speech and language skills have also occurred by the means of this sensory-cognitive method. This was observed even after the individuals have already reached a plateau through the traditional approach of speech therapy.

Where You Can Find It

You can undergo this kind of program by going to a Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Center. You can find one in over fifteen states in the United States and United Kingdom. The public can have access to materials that are included in the program such as a manual with a detailed presentation of the steps that you have to take in the program. Some outlines and sample dialogues are also included.

You would also need some of their support products. Some of these are their classroom kit, program clinical kit, training videos, a practice CD, and a testing kit. These products are included already when you apply for their program.

Other Conditions For The Program

The program also caters to other conditions related to dyslexia, such as hyperlexia. This is a condition where you may have specific problems in comprehending the data that you just read, even though you can read it accurately.

Screening For Dyslexia in Adults - Is it Necessary?

Dyslexia, a learning disability that can be detected easily now on children even upon entering school. Although there is no known cure, this condition is treatable. Early detection is important to help the sufferers cope and manage their disabilities. But years ago, this condition is not a known condition and many adults now who have dyslexia are not aware of it. Fortunately, screening for dyslexia in adults is now possible and adults with this disability have the chance to understand their disabilities.

Is screening for dyslexia in adults really necessary for those who are suffering from this learning disability? The answer is a big Yes. Why? Here are the reasons:

To answer the uncertainties. Adults who have dyslexia are now working or have their own jobs. If you have learning disability, something is bothering you and there are things that you find difficult like dealing with numbers or sequences, time management, organizing, identifying left from right and you find it difficult to take notes, spell and read. You are wondering what is wrong with you or you cannot explain what is happening to you. A proper screening for dyslexia in adults can help you answer your doubts, confusion and uncertainties.

To understand how serious your problem is. One dyslexic person is different from another because different dyslexics have different manifestations. Although there are general signs and symptoms, there are different levels of dyslexia. You may have minor reading and spelling problems but there are those who have severe symptoms. Screening for dyslexia in adults can determine the level of your dyslexia.

To know the best treatment for you. Dyslexia may not be curable but there are treatments available to help you cope and overcome your symptoms. Dyslexia can damage your self-esteem and self-confidence if not properly treated. It is important to live your daily life without the fear of socializing with other people and with confidence that you can be anything you want to be. There are dyslexics who were able to achieve their dream profession because they know how to manage their disorder. Screening for dyslexia in adults is the first step in seeking treatments. If will be easy to treat a disorder if you know what you are dealing with.

Adult Dyslexia - Learning Difficulties in Adults

Dyslexia is a learning disability specifically on reading and writing. Early detection and intervention is vital to help the sufferer to learn how to deal and cope with his or her disability. If not diagnosed and not treated, children with this condition continue to have reading and writing problems until adulthood. Learning difficulties in adults is a treatable condition. With proper diagnosis, intensive instruction and intervention, even adults with dyslexia can improve and become accurate.

Studies show that the brain of a dyslexic functions in a different way but dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence or IQ level. People with dyslexia can be creative and there are dyslexics who became successful in their chosen field. With proper intervention and teaching techniques, people with dyslexia can learn successfully. Some dyslexics are diagnosed early in their lives but there are also those who are not diagnosed until they get older. Unidentified childhood dyslexia leads to learning difficulties in adults.

Common signs of dyslexia are difficulty in reading, writing and spelling. Dyslexics also have difficulties in dealing with numbers, simple mathematical operations and things in sequence. Identifying left from right is also a struggle with dyslexics. They often have difficulty in managing their time and organizing things. Taking notes and instructions are also a struggle with dyslexics. If you are suffering from learning difficulties in adults, it is best to get diagnosed to get the proper help and treatment.

Early detection of learning difficulties in adults is important and the first step in seeking treatment is to take the screening test for adults.

Dyslexia Screening Test For Adults - Why You Need It

Dyslexia is a learning disability that should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible. It is a disability that could affect ones self confidence that could result to low self-esteem. Although dyslexia is a known condition now, there are dyslexics who grew up without receiving proper diagnosis and treatment. It is not too late to get a dyslexia screening test for adults if you feel you have a learning disability

It is important to get the proper dyslexia screening test for adults for the following reasons:

To know the severity of your condition. There are different levels of dyslexia and it is important to know exactly the level of your learning difficulty. Your difficulty may range from minor reading and writing difficulty to severe cases. Dyslexia screening test for adults will help you know the severity of your condition.

To know the treatment you need. Knowing the severity of your condition is important if you want to be treated. Once you know your area of difficulty, it is easier to seek treatment because you know what you are dealing with. A proper dyslexia screening test for adults is the first step in seeking treatment.

To end your confusion. If you are suffering from the common symptoms of dyslexia like difficulty in reading, writing and spelling but still confused if your learning disability is really dyslexia, it is best to end your confusion by taking the dyslexia screening test for adults.

Dyslexia maybe a lifelong condition but it is a treatable condition. There are treatments that can help you cope with dyslexia. This condition has nothing to do with intelligence; there are dyslexics who have managed to attain success in their chosen field.

Adult Dyslexia Common Signs - Find Out If You Are Dyslexic

Years ago, learning difficulty or dyslexia is a not a known disorder. Those who have this disorder grew up without understanding their learning difficulty affecting their self-confidence. They were labeled as slow learner or stupid and grew up feeling dumb with poor self-confidence. Now dyslexia is a known condition and it is not too late to find out if you are dyslexic by recognizing some of adult dyslexia common signs. Knowing what you are dealing with is the first step in seeking treatment.

Here are some of adult dyslexia common signs:

Reading and writing problems. One of adult dyslexia common signs is problems with written and spoken words. Dyslexics struggle to read and write. You have poor comprehension and encountering difficulties in putting your thoughts on paper, writing letters, reports and even taking notes. You have difficulty with spelling and as much as possible you avoid writing or taking notes and it takes you a long time to read a book.

Confuse with left and right and similar letters. Do you have difficulty distinguishing left from right? If you are struggling in identifying left from right, there must be a reason behind it and one reason could be dyslexia. This confusion could be really frustrating sometimes. Along with this left-right confusion, one of those adult dyslexia common signs you might have is the confusion between similar letters. For instance, you read "b" as "d."

Difficulty with numbers and things in sequence. You have difficulty dealing with numbers and simple mathematical operations. Counting numbers onwards and backwards and remembering things in sequence are some of adult dyslexia common signs.

Those are just some of adult dyslexia common signs but it is best to get diagnosed and take the screening test designed for adults to know if you are dyslexics. Dyslexia is a type of learning disability and must be diagnosed as early as possible.

Today, there are tests available to diagnose dyslexia as early as possible but for adult dyslexics it is not too late. Adult dyslexia test is now available for you to find out if you are suffering from this learning disability. Taking the dyslexia screening test is the first step in seeking treatment.

Adult Learning Difficulty Screening - A Must For Adult Dyslexics

In general, adult learning difficulty is a brain condition that affects one's ability to process information. Common signs are difficulty in reading, speaking and writing. This condition can affect anybody regardless of age, gender and ethnicity but it is best to get diagnosed as early as possible because this condition could be very disabling if left untreated.

Dyslexia is the known term for learning difficulty. Some adults who have this kind of adult learning difficulty were not diagnosed when they were younger. Suffering from dyslexia could be really frustrating and disabling. It is important to know how to cope with adult learning disability as early as possible to function well with the daily challenges of life. The fist step in seeking treatment is to get the proper screening or test for adult learning disability.

Difficulty in reading, writing, comprehension, spelling, dealing with numbers or mathematical operations, managing time, following instruction, understanding things in sequence and identifying left from right are just some of the common signs of adult dyslexics. Sufferings from adult learning difficulty could affect the job and personal life of the sufferer.

Although there are common symptoms of dyslexia, the range of difficulty may differ from one person to another. It is important to take a comprehensive adult learning difficulty screening to know your specific learning disability. If your specific level of difficulty is identified, it is easier to determine the type of treatment that will work for you.

There are treatments available to help you live a successful life despite of your learning difficulty. There are people with learning disability but were able to live the life they dreamed of and became successful in their chosen career. Dyslexia is a treatable condition and early detection is important.

How to Find Out If You Are Dyslexic

Suffering from learning disability is a very frustrating and disabling condition. Years ago dyslexia is a not a known condition and there are no tests available to identify the presence of this disorder. Sufferers grew up with their disability affecting their work and daily activities. Some have developed low self-esteem. Now screening test is available to find out if you are dyslexic. It is important to confirm if you really have dyslexia to seek the necessary treatment.

Knowing what you are going through and understanding about your learning disability is the first step in seeking treatment. Dyslexia is a learning disability that impairs a person's ability to process certain information despite of having normal intelligence. Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence because there are dyslexics who became successful in their profession despite of their disability. There are treatments available and it is essential to get the necessary evaluation and testing to find out if you are dyslexic.

One way to find out if you are dyslexic is to know the common symptoms of adult dyslexia. Although symptoms may vary from person to person, there are common symptoms of dyslexia. Some of the common signs of this learning disability are difficulty in reading, comprehension, spelling, distinguishing directions like left and right, following instructions and dealing with numbers or mathematical operation.

If you have the common symptoms it is best to take a comprehensive dyslexia screening test to find out if you are dyslexic. Different people have different symptoms of dyslexia and it is important to identify your specific learning disability because treatments are based on specific learning disability of the sufferer.

Identification of Dyslexia in Adults - Is it Too Late?

Years ago, dyslexia which is a learning disability is not a known disorder. People suffering from learning disability are regarded as slow learner and stupid. Early detection of this disorder was not possible and most of the sufferers grew up unaware that they have a disorder. Living with this kind of disorder is difficult especially if the sufferer does not understand his or her disorder. Today early detection and identification of dyslexia in adults is very possible.

People are now aware that dyslexia is a disorder. This disability has nothing to do with intelligence and the degree of disability varies from person to person. Common signs of dyslexia are difficulty in reading, spelling, taking down notes, following instruction, managing time, dealing with numbers, and identifying left and right. There is no known cause for this disorder but there are studies that it can be inherited. Adults who are not aware that their learning difficulty is brought by dyslexia will benefit from the methods available for the identification of dyslexia in adults.

The first step in understanding and treating adult dyslexia is proper diagnosis. As of now, there is no known cure for dyslexia but there are treatments available to help sufferers cope with their disorder. There are dyslexic people who learned to manage dyslexia and attained success in their chosen profession even with their disabilities. Identification of dyslexia in adults is important. If you have the common signs of dyslexia, comprehensive testing and evaluation are needed because treatment should be done based on specific learning disability.

Many dyslexic adults are not aware that their learning difficulty is brought by dyslexia. It is not too late to get the proper screening for identification of dyslexia in adults. It is important to be diagnosed properly because there are continuous studies in the diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia.

Is it Possible to Cope With Adult Dyslexia? What You Need to Know

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects people's ability to interpret what they see and hear. Dyslexics have difficulties in spoken and written language which include difficulty in reading, spelling and mathematical operations. As a child, dyslexics experienced repeated academic failure resulting to low self-esteem. They are also regarded as stupid or slow learner. As an adult their difficulties also affects their jobs and it is important to cope with adult dyslexia for them to be efficient on their jobs and even on their daily activities.

Dyslexia can be a lifelong condition that affects a person's personal life including school, work, family, friends and even their daily routines. It is necessary to learn to cope with adult dyslexia to be as efficient as possible. Although it is a lifelong condition, it is a treatable disorder.

Dyslexics continue to battle with their disability until adulthood if they were not given the proper diagnosis and treatment when they were younger. Looking for a job is sometimes very difficult for them and once they started working, things like being organized at work, dealing with numbers, writing memos, taking notes and remembering meetings are difficult to handle. This is not because they are not suited for the job but this is because they do not know how to deal with their disability. They can have fulfilling lives if they know how to cope with adult dyslexia.

Dyslexia may not be curable and it is a lasting condition but it is treatable. With proper intervention, it is possible to cope with adult dyslexia. Now that adult dyslexia is a known condition, there are programs and treatments designed to help adult dyslexics deal with their disabilities. Dyslexics can learn to adapt with this disorder and live fulfilling lives.

The first step in getting help for this learning disability is by realizing you have this disorder. In order to cope with adult dyslexia, you need the proper screening, diagnosis and treatment. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, it will be hard to manage this learning disability if you do not know what you are dealing with.

Dyslexia screening test is necessary to find out if you are suffering from dyslexia.

Adults Suffering From Dyslexia - Is it Too Late to Get Help?

Children who are diagnosed with dyslexia upon entering school are fortunate compared to those adults suffering from dyslexia who never had the same opportunity. Dyslexia is a lifelong condition and early detection is important to help dyslexics cope with their disability as early as possible.

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects one's ability to process information. Adults suffering from dyslexia have difficulties in reading, comprehension, speaking, writing, spelling, identifying direction like left and right, performing mathematical computations, following instructions, managing time and counting numbers onwards and backwards. These difficulties can torment a person's life if there is no early intervention to help him or her live a normal life.

Adults suffering from dyslexia who never had the proper screening and treatments grew up thinking that they are stupid and slow learner resulting to low self-esteem. As adults, they are now suffering adult dyslexia in the workplace. Their learning disability prevents them from performing well at work. Once they get employed, things like time management, taking notes, remembering appointments and deadlines, being organized at work and following instructions are very difficult to handle. Some dyslexics get jobs below their qualifications just to avoid dealing with their difficulties.

This should not be the case because adult dyslexia is now a recognized learning disability and there are help available now especially for those adults suffering from dyslexia. Even the government is aware that adult dyslexics need assistance to understand and manage their disabilities. There are treatments and programs designed to help adult dyslexics cope with the demands of their jobs and daily activities.

For adults suffering from dyslexia, it is not too late to get help and the first step in seeking help is taking the proper dyslexia test to know the severity of your condition. 

Dyslexia Adult Screening Test- Find Out If You Are Dyslexic

Adult dyslexia is now a recognized learning disability and people are now aware that this is a real disability that can affect children and adults. Each of us encounters difficulty in learning but for most of us it is not a liability or a hindrance to live normally. For dyslexics, learning difficulties lead to disability that affects their job, education and their daily lives. Dyslexia adult screening test is available now to help these adult dyslexics to be aware of the severity of their condition.

Adult dyslexics grew up and attended school at the time when screening and treatment for learning disabilities were not yet available. As children, they did not receive the proper screening and treatment for them to understand and cope with their learning disabilities. Now that adult dyslexia is already recognized, dyslexia adult screening test is the first step in helping them to seek the proper treatment and cope with their disabilities.

Dyslexia adult screening test is necessary because it is important for dyslexics to come out and seek help because they deserve a better life. Although this learning disability includes difficulty in reading, writing and processing or expressing information, it has nothing to do with intelligence. There are dyslexics who are successful in their chosen profession because of proper screening and treatment.

Adults who suspect they have learning disability should seek proper assessment with the help of qualified professionals trained to conduct adult dyslexia screening test. From the assessment, you will have the proper diagnosis and recommendation of treatments.

If you suspect that you or someone you love has dyslexia, the first step in seeking treatment is undergoing a dyslexia adult screening test. 

Adult Dyslexia - Signs to Look For to Know If You Are Dyslexic

Have you been experiencing learning difficulty since childhood and now you want to know if you are dyslexic? Dyslexia is a learning disability. Children born with this disorder are struggling with reading, writing and spelling even with the presence of organized school system. Today, this disorder is a recognized illness and children are tested for this disorder as early as possible to know if their learning difficulty is due to dyslexia. But how about those people who have not tested for this disorder at the time that this disorder is not yet recognized?

There are still adult dyslexics now who grew up and not aware that their learning disability is due to dyslexia. They are just tagged as lazy and slow learners. These tags attached to their personality wounds their self-esteem and self-confidence. It is important to know if you are dyslexic and the good news is that it is not too late to get diagnosed. If you want to know what are the signs to look for to know if you are dyslexic, continue reading.

No two dyslexics are exactly the same but here are the most common signs and symptoms to know if you are dyslexic:

Difficulty recognizing the orientation of almost similar letters and numbers. Reversal of similar numbers and letters is one of the most common signs to look for to know if you are dyslexic. You are often confused and read letters like "b" as "d", "dog" as "bog" and numbers like "6" as "9".

Reading and comprehension is a struggle for dyslexic adults. This is another symptom to look for to know if you are dyslexic. You are a slow and inaccurate reader. You need to read a page twice or more to understand what you are reading. Most dyslexic adults hide their reading problems.

You are terrible with spelling ad writing. You are afraid to write or compose memos and letters because you have difficulty with spelling and in writing your thoughts on paper. If possible, you often avoid writing tasks.

Difficulty dealing with things in sequence. You often encounter difficulty in following instructions in sequence or multi-step directions. You also have trouble with counting numbers onwards or backwards and remembering days of the week is sometimes a struggle. Identifying directions is also a problem and often confused with right and left.

But despite of all those difficulties, dyslexics are not dumb. They may not be good in writing and reading but they are often very competent in oral language and have excellent memory. Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence and there are dyslexics who are successful in their chosen profession. The sad thing is that there are also many dyslexics who work on jobs below their intellectual capability because the negative experience they went through with their difficulties affects their confidence. It is essential to get diagnosed to know if you are dyslexic and get the proper treatment to increase the quality of your life.

Adult dyslexia is a known condition now and the first step in seeking the right treatment is to get diagnosed. You need a comprehensive adult dyslexia test to know if you are dyslexic.

Diagnose Adult Dyslexia - It is Not Too Late

Dyslexia is a learning disability characterized by difficulty in reading, writing and spelling. This is not a mental illness or intelligence issue because many dyslexics are intelligent and successful in their chosen profession like music, art, engineering, etc. Some of the famous people who have the gift of dyslexia or traits related to dyslexia are Tom Cruise and Albert Einstein. Most people are now aware of this learning disability but years ago this is not a known disorder and there are dyslexics who grew up without any idea what they are suffering. It is not too late because it is possible now to diagnose adult dyslexia through tests or screening.

It is only in the last 10 years that learning disability was given a name or dyslexia became a known condition. This is the reason why there are a lot of dyslexic adults now but they do not know what they are suffering. They suffered years of humiliation and hide their disability resulting to inferiority complex and low self esteem. Now there are tests and screenings to diagnose adult dyslexia to help these dyslexics to identify the severity of their symptoms and get the treatment they need. Now they do not have to deal with their disability on their own because with proper diagnosis, there are help available for them.

If you or a family member is showing signs of adult dyslexia like difficulties in reading, writing, spelling, counting numbers, sequence, getting instructions, transferring information, confusion with direction like left and right and reversal of letters like "b" and "d", it is not too late to get the proper adult dyslexia testing to understand what you are going through.

Knowing if you are showing the signs of dyslexia is the first step in getting the treatment that you need. It is not too late to diagnose adult dyslexia.

Common Signs of Dyslexia in Adults - What You Should Know

Dyslexia is a learning disability but it is not influenced by physical problem and brain damage. Intelligence has nothing to do with this learning disability. This disorder has no known cause or cure but there are treatments to help dyslexics live normally and manage their disorder. But before taking the necessary treatments, of course you need to identify the common signs of dyslexia.

The most obvious common signs of dyslexia are reading and writing disability. Processing or transferring information and getting instructions are also some of the difficulties of dyslexics. They often forget meeting schedules and have organizational skills problem. Confusion with sequence, directions like left and right, numbers and reversal of similar letters like "b" and "d" are also some of the common signs of dyslexia.

Although the common signs of dyslexia are disturbing and sometime disabling, there are dyslexics who were able to live with their symptoms and managed to succeed in their chosen profession. Dyslexia is not a mental illness but it is a condition that can be managed through proper treatments. There are many treatments available now to help dyslexics cope with their disability ranging from diet, visual stimulation and specific learning strategies with the help of people who are experts in dealing with this kind of disorder.

Years ago, dyslexia is not a known condition due to lack of knowledge and studies about this condition. Those who were not diagnosed due to lack of proper testing and treatments are now adults and some do not even aware of the common signs of dyslexia and do not know that they have dyslexia. They are often regarded as stupid or slow learners resulting to inferiority complex and low self confidence.

A comprehensive adult dyslexia test is now available to know if you are showing the common signs of dyslexia. Knowing the symptoms is the first step in getting the treatment that you need. Dyslexia is a condition that can be managed and you can cope with your symptoms if diagnosed and given the proper treatment.

If you suspect that you have the common signs of dyslexia, it is best to take a dyslexia adult test now.

Know the Symptoms of Adult Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a known condition now and children with this disorder are diagnosed as early as possible. But in adults, there are dyslexia cases and yet they are not aware of it and they do not know that they can seek help for their condition. Knowing the symptoms of adult dyslexia will help you recognize if you are suffering from learning disability.

Dyslexia is a learning difficulty and there are people who were born at the time that dyslexia is not yet a known condition. These people grew up suffering from this learning disability and labelled as stupid or slow learner not knowing what they have is a disorder and there are treatments now to help them deal with their difficulties. It would be a big help if you know the symptoms of adult dyslexia to know the help that you need.

Loss of confidence and low self esteem are some of the negative results from experiencing failures due to this learning disability. They cannot understand why because they do not know that they have dyslexia. The symptoms of adult dyslexia involve reading, writing and spelling disability. Problems processing spoken language and anything that deals with numbers and sequence are also included. Here are some of the symptoms of dyslexia for you to know what you are suffering.

-Reading and spelling difficulty

-Suffering from comprehension problems

-Difficulty managing time and keeping organized

-Difficulty taking or following detailed instructions

-Difficulty dealing with sequence, numbers, counting numbers onwards and backwards or with mathematical operations.

-Difficulty distinguishing directions or distinguishing left from right

- Confuse with dates and time resulting to missed appointments.

There are different symptoms of adult dyslexia for every person and the list could go on. If you suspect that you are suffering from the symptoms of adult dyslexia, it is best to take an adult dyslexia test.

Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia - How to Know If Your Are Dyslexic

Years ago dyslexia is not a known condition and there are people who grew up suffering from the symptoms without understanding what they are suffering. They are labeled as dumb, stupid and slow learners and worse they were not given the proper treatment to teach them how to manage their disabilities. But it is not too late for them because now dyslexia is already a known disorder and there are different tests now for adult dyslexia. If you manifest some of the signs and symptoms of dyslexia, proper testing is important for you to know if you are dyslexic and for you to seek professional help at once.

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability both in written and spoken words, there are signs and symptoms of dyslexia for you to at least know if you are dyslexic. Her are some of the signs:

Reading difficulty. One of the signs and symptoms of dyslexia is difficulty learning to read due to the different way their brain process information. Reversals in letters and numbers, reading things backwards and omission of words are some of the signs. Dyslexics read letter like b as d, u as n, etc.

Difficulty recognizing direction. Another signs and symptoms of dyslexia is confusion in recognizing directions like difficulty in distinguishing left from right. This could be a problem when the task is reading and following maps and instructions for directions.

Problems with spelling and writing. Signs and symptoms of dyslexia include spelling difficulties even on simple short words. Some words are also spelled the way they are spoken. Writing is illegible and encounters problem in copying.

Difficulties in numbers. This signs and symptoms of dyslexia include difficulty in remembering sequence, mathematical operation and managing time. They often miss and forgot meetings and scheduled tasks. Dyslexics may find it hard to remember instructions in sequence or counting numbers forward and backwards.

If you are experiencing some of the signs and symptoms of dyslexia, it is best for you to undergo comprehensive adult dyslexia test for you to know the severity of your condition. It is not too late to seek help because there are treatments and therapy for dyslexia now to help you manage and live with your disability.

The first step in helping yourself to overcome your disability is to get the proper screening for dyslexia.

Dealing with Adult Dyslexia Symptoms

Dyslexia is a neurological disorder noticeable through spoken and written language particularly in reading and spelling. It is a recognized disorder now and children are being diagnosed before school age if they are showing any signs of dyslexia. But there are still people suffering from this disorder without treatment and proper diagnosis. Dealing with adult dyslexia symptoms without the proper treatment and diagnosis is hard because sufferers often hide it affecting the quality of their life.

Dealing with adult dyslexia symptoms in everyday life could be very frustrating if you do not know how. Often people suffering from the disabling symptoms of dyslexia hide from the society. The constant hiding affects their social life, work and relationships. Their disability creates different issues in their daily life leading to more frustrations and low self-esteem.

Adult dyslexia symptoms like reading and spelling difficulty is hard and embarrassing for an adult to accept. But there are ways on how to deal with it. There are different programs and teaching methods for dyslexics to improve reading and spelling abilities. Of course, the first step in getting the program or teaching method that will work for you is by taking an adult dyslexia test to evaluate the severity of your symptoms.

Dyslexics also have difficulty in managing time and keeping organized. These adult dyslexia symptoms could affect your job and other activities. You could miss on important meetings or cannot meet your daily goals because you spend time poorly. If you are aware that this is one of the many adult dyslexia symptoms that you have to deal with, then you will learn some techniques on how to overcome this symptom. One technique could be keeping a planner to organize your daily tasks and a clock on your working area to keep track of the time.

Another symptom you may have is difficulty in taking instructions and you find it hard to retain what is said to you. Recognizing you have dyslexia and suffering from this problem, one way to overcome this is to always keep a pen and paper with you and jot down the instructions or anything said to you to make sure you get the right instructions.

Adult dyslexia symptoms should not keep you from living a fulfilling life because the symptoms can be overcome if you know what you are dealing with and you will seek help to learn how to conquer your symptoms.

If you suspect that you are suffering from adult dyslexia symptoms, it is best to take an adult dyslexia test. Knowing what you are going through will aid you in seeking the necessary treatment for you to overcome the disabling symptoms of dyslexia.

Discover if You Have the Symptoms of Dyslexia

If you are an adult suffering from reading and learning disability, you probably have dyslexia. Now it is a known condition and you can conduct dyslexia test for adults online to know if you are showing signs of dyslexia. Common signs are difficulties in reading and spelling, confused in recognizing left from right, problems with sequence and numbers. You can conduct an online screening test to help you understand about your difficulties and get the necessary treatment.

Although it is recommended to diagnose and treat dyslexia as early as possible, there are dyslexics who grew up not knowing what they are going through. Lack of knowledge about this learning disability and the absence of dyslexia screening tests years ago, are the main contributors why there are dyslexics now who are still struggling the disabling effects of dyslexia. But now that dyslexia test for adults is already available for everybody to access, it is not too late for you to learn about your disability and seek help to improve your condition.

Technology has brought people convenience and more options on how to deal with different problems. Online dyslexia test for adults can help you understand the symptoms you have and can guide you on what treatment you need to help you manage and overcome your difficulties. If you suspect you have the symptoms, then it is essential for you to take dyslexia test for adults to know the severity of your condition.

The symptoms of dyslexia can be managed if you will act now and immediately address the problem. If you keep wondering and hiding the disabling symptoms you are suffering now it will lead to more frustrations and decreased self confidence. Knowing exactly what you are going through will help you find the right treatment and you will eventually learn how to deal with your disability.

Dyslexia test for adults is your first step in getting the help you need.

Test For Dyslexia In Adults

Dyslexia is a learning disability manifested in written and spoken words. Some symptoms that dyslexics have are difficulties in reading, spelling, distinguishing left from right, following instructions and difficulties in sequence and numbers. Today, schools are performing dyslexia screening for children to make sure that they will be given the right teaching approach. But years ago when this learning disability was not yet acknowledged, dyslexics do not know about their condition and simply tagged as stupid or slow learners. Test for dyslexia in adults is available now to help those who were not diagnosed earlier in their life to understand about their disability.

Growing up labelled as dumb and ridiculed for a disability that you do not know and the people around you are so cruel and mean is a painful process resulting to low self-esteem. Adult with dyslexia who were not diagnosed and received no treatment or therapies end up hiding their disability affecting their jobs and personal relationships.

Most dyslexics find it difficult to find a job or end up under-employed not realizing that they have abilities and dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence. There are dyslexics who finished school and became successful in their chosen field. The absence of dyslexia screening and the lack of knowledge about this disability years ago are the reasons why there are dyslexics now suffering the symptoms without the proper treatment. But now that test for dyslexia in adults is available, you have the chance now to understand about your disability to get the necessary treatment.

Symptoms of dyslexia can be managed with the proper treatment. Test for dyslexia in adults is the first step for you to understand about your disability.

Screening Test for Dyslexia in Adults

Dyslexia is a learning disability which is already recognized and treated today. But years ago people with this disability do not even know how to call their disability. They do not know that they are suffering from dyslexia. They grew up thinking that they are just slow learners and worst they feel stupid due to their learning disability. But it is not too late for these adults to know how to treat their disability. Getting a screening test for dyslexia is the first step in getting the necessary treatment.

Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence and if not given the proper treatment, dyslexia is a learning difficulty which could have disabling affects to anyone suffering from it. Difficulties include reading, spelling, taking instructions, remembering sequence, recognizing directions and difficulties in numbers. If not given the right treatment on how to deal with these difficulties, it will be hard for you to live and work as normal as you want. It is important to get a screening test for dyslexia as early as possible to prevent serious damage to your life.

Due to lack of awareness and available treatment years ago, there are adults now with dyslexia who grew up without understanding how to cope with their disability. But now that screening test for dyslexia in adults is already available, this is the first step in learning how to deal with this learning disability. Although it is much easier to deal with your disability at a younger age, it is not too late for you to get the assessment now to know the severity of your dyslexia and for you to get the right treatment for your condition.

Understanding your disability will help you to learn how to manage and live with your disability.

Individual Assessment for Dyslexia in Adults

Dyslexia is a difficulty in processing information or a learning disability particularly in reading, writing, dealing with numbers and sequence. Today children with this disorder are diagnosed and treated as early as possible. But years ago, dyslexia is not a known condition and a significant number of people grew up unaware that they are dyslexic. An individual assessment for dyslexia in adults is the first step to understand their condition and get the necessary help to improve the quality of their life.

There are people who grew up, got a university degree and a job without realizing that they have dyslexia. They have managed to hide and endure the disabling symptoms of dyslexia. They have difficulties in simple tasks like reading, spelling, taking instructions, distinguishing left from right, taking phone messages, doing simple addition of numbers on their heads, they mix up dates and time and other symptoms of dyslexia. Even if they have managed to hide these difficulties, it is a problem affecting their self confidence leading to frustration most of the time. To know the severity of their condition and to improve the quality of their life, they need an individual assessment for dyslexia in adults.

Despite their difficulties, there are dyslexic people who are successful in their chosen field proving that their learning disability has nothing to do with intelligence. They are not only gifted and creative but they also have the determination to overcome their learning disability to be successful. If you suspect that you have the symptoms of dyslexia, an individual assessment for dyslexia in adults is a basic step in getting the necessary treatment for you.

Testing for Dyslexia in Adults - Your First Step for Dyslexia Treatment

Most people who have the symptoms of dyslexia are diagnosed earlier in life, but there are other people who grew up as adults and do not know that their learning disability is brought by dyslexia. They hide their learning disability and suffer the disabling effects of dyslexia through adulthood making their lives miserable. That is why testing for dyslexia in adults is necessary to understand your disability and for you to seek the necessary treatment.

The level of severity is different from person to person and getting the right testing for dyslexia is the first step to know the severity of your symptoms. Some people experience severe reading and writing disability and have trouble in simple tasks like recognizing directions, taking down notes and taking phone messages leading to disappointments and low self confidence.

Aside from their learning disability, dyslexics also endure the pain of being labeled as dumb which makes their lives depressing. Getting the right testing for dyslexia will help sufferers to know how to deal with his or her condition. You will also know how to address each difficulty with the appropriate treatment.

Once you subject yourself to the right testing for dyslexia, you will also realize that there are help available for dyslexics. Your disability is not a reason not to be successful in life. There are a lot of dyslexics who became successful and learned how to overcome their disability. Putting your difficulties in the right perspective, you can overcome the difficulties brought by dyslexia and you will also discover your strengths.

Getting the right testing for dyslexia is the first step in helping yourself to overcome the disabling effects of dyslexia. If you suspect you have the symptoms, then a complete dyslexia assessment can help you find out the severity of your condition.

Dyslexia Assessment - When to Get a Dyslexia Evaluation?

Before the awareness of people and before the availability of dyslexia evaluation, dyslexia is not a known condition. People suffering from this disorder are often labeled as dumb, stupid or lazy due to their learning disability.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning disability mainly in reading and spelling. Dyslexics have difficulties in processing words and numbers due to the different way their brain functions or process information, but it has nothing to do with intelligence. They also show difficulties in recognizing sequence, directions, understanding or repeating instructions and they reverse numbers and letters. The word dyslexia came from two Greek words: "dys" which means "impaired" and "lexis" which means "word."

When to get a dyslexia evaluation?

Dyslexia is a disorder that varies from person to person. Each dyslexic has different severity. It is important to get a dyslexia evaluation as early as possible if you or the people you love show signs of dyslexia.

Getting a dyslexia evaluation as early as possible will allow you to know what you are dealing with to get the necessary treatment. Today, there are a lot of help and treatments available for dyslexia. This will also prevent further damage caused by dyslexia in your life. Early dyslexia evaluation will help you learn as early as possible how to deal with your disorder. People are sometimes cruel and dyslexics who grew up not knowing their condition and do not know how to cope with their disabilities are often ridiculed and teased resulting to confusion, low self-esteem and lonely childhood.

Unfortunately, there are children suspected to have the symptoms and yet their parents decided not to have their children go through a dyslexia evaluation believing that they will outgrow their learning disability. In return they suffer the symptoms until they become adults. This should not be the case since dyslexia is a disorder that needs proper intervention as early as possible. There are dyslexics who have learned how to cope with their disabilities and became successful in their chosen professions.

But it is not too late to get help now and seek the necessary treatment. If you suspect that you have the symptoms of dyslexia, the first step to deal with it is to get a dyslexia evaluation.

Online Dyslexia Test for Adults

Dyslexia is a learning disability, a disorder in both spoken and written language. Learning difficulties includes writing, spelling, reading, recognizing sequence and number problems. Most people with dyslexia have been diagnosed when they were just kids but there are also people suffering from dyslexia and do not know it until they are adults. Of course, early detection can help the person deal with his/her disability as early as possible. But it is not too late to take dyslexia test for adults now and get the help you need.

Finding out if you have dyslexia will put a name on the difficulties you are suffering since childhood. Some people may label you as lazy and stupid but getting a dyslexia test for adults will prove that all those labels are not true. Dyslexia or learning disability has nothing to do with intelligence. People with this disorder can be professionals, can attain higher education and be successful in life.

Although it is advisable to detect dyslexia at a younger age, discovering it a later age will still allow you to get the help you need. A dyslexia test for adults is the first step for getting help. Getting the right adult dyslexia assessment will allow you to know more about dyslexia and get the help and assistance you need to cope with your disability.

Understanding your disability with the help of dyslexia test for adults will give you more options in dealing with your learning disability. There are a lot of treatments and therapy now to help you manage your dyslexia.

Conduct Your Comprehensive Tests for Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disability associated with reading and writing. There are people diagnosed with this disorder early in their lives using comprehensive tests for dyslexia, but there are also dyslexics who are unaware of their disorder until they get older. They are not aware of the source of their learning disability that resulted to problems in school, work place and even on their relationship with other people.

Dyslexia is a very disabling condition especially for adults if not given the proper attention and treatment. Adult dyslexia is manifested by reading and writing problems. Adults with this problem have difficulties finding a job and relating with other people. They often hide their reading and writing disability and avoid associating with people. If complete tests for dyslexia were available when they were younger, this wouldn't be the case.

If people with dyslexia were given proper treatments when they were younger, adults with dyslexia will find it easier to deal with this disorder. There are a lot of misconceptions about dyslexia. Some believed that dyslexics are slow learners and they are branded with names like "retarded", "dumb", etc. which leads to frustration and low self-esteem. Using the right tests for dyslexia can help dyslexics on how to cope with their learning disability as early as possible and become confident adults.

Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence; there are dyslexics who are achievers and excel in different fields and professions. Learning disability is not associated with intelligence. Dyslexics have difficulties learning in a conventional type of teaching but it doesn't mean dyslexics are incapable to think. Although dyslexia is a lifelong condition, using the proper tests for dyslexia and getting the necessary help to improve the learning ability of dyslexics is very important for them to overcome their disabilities.

Years ago, dyslexia was not recognized as a disorder and proper tests for dyslexia was not even available. Fortunately it is not too late for adult dyslexia to be diagnosed to get the necessary treatment. With the proper assessment, dyslexics can get the proper treatment that will help them read and write better and cope with their disability.

Adult Dyslexia Assessment - Conduct Online Dyslexia Screening at Home

Dyslexia is a reading and learning disability. Dyslexic people have difficulties in reading, spelling, following instructions, recognizing sequence or putting things in order and often confused with directions like left and right. In the past, dyslexia is not a known condition, this is the reason why there are adults with dyslexia who are not properly treated and taught on how to deal with their condition. Now adult dyslexia assessment is available to help anyone to know if they are dyslexic and for them to seek immediate professional help and treatment.

It is ideal to diagnose dyslexia at an early age and learn how to deal with this condition as early as possible. If dyslexics failed to get the necessary help, their learning and reading disability will result to frustration, loss of self confidence and low self-esteem. There are dyslexic adults who are still struggling with the disabling effects of dyslexia which should not be the case. Dyslexic adults could have been taught how to handle reading and learning disability if dyslexia testing was available when they were younger. But it is not too late to get an adult dyslexia assessment now and get the necessary help for you to overcome the disabling effects of dyslexia.

If you think you have the signs and symptoms of dyslexia, it is essential that you take an adult dyslexia assessment for you to know the severity of you condition. Dyslexia is a serious condition but you can overcome the disabling effects of dyslexia if you know what you are dealing with. A detailed adult dyslexia assessment will help you seek the necessary help you need.

Adult Dyslexia Signs and Symptoms - How to Know If You Are Suffering From Dyslexia

Dyslexia is becoming an eye opener now because people are more aware of the condition they have and willing to subject themselves to adult dyslexia test and treatment. Years ago people will not believe about reading and learning disability and they just tag you as slow learner, lazy or simply not as intelligent as other kids without giving the proper treatment. But now with the awareness of this disorder, you and the people around you are more adept to deal with this disorder. Although there are most cases that dyslexia are diagnosed when they are already an adult. But now that dyslexia is openly identified as a serious condition, you should immediately seek professional help once you suspect that you are suffering from dyslexia signs and symptoms.

There are many ways to know if you are suffering from dyslexia. As an adult, it is your responsibility to identify if you have dyslexia signs and symptoms through proper tests and evaluations. You should seek professional help to effectively get the necessary treatment. Here are some dyslexia signs and symptoms that would indicate you have dyslexia.

Direction Confusion. One dyslexia signs and symptoms is difficulty recognizing directions. It comes in many forms like difficulty in recognizing left and right, up and down, following maps and compass and following instructions. Directional confusion is also the reason why dyslexics interchange letters like b and d, p and q, n and u etc. Dyslexics are confused not only in letters but in numbers too, you may read or write 16 to 61.

Spelling Difficulties. Another dyslexia signs and symptoms is the difficulty to spell simple and troublesome words. You may find it difficult to spell even simple short words. Other words are spelled the way they are spoken like please to plese, knock to nock and search to serch.

Math and sequences difficulties. Difficulties understanding math lessons and conceptualizing sequences is another dyslexia signs and symptoms you must observe. It is a big challenge for dyslexics to understand numbers in correct order or to reverse that order. You may find it hard to count to 100 forwards and backwards. Due to short term memory, dyslexics may also find it hard to understand mathematical operations like multiplications and divisions.

Comprehension difficulties. Dyslexia is not only limited to written words but in some cases even in speech recognition. Another dyslexia signs and symptoms you must be aware of is comprehension difficulties. You may find it hard to retain what is said to you and may not be able to repeat the words said to you. It is also hard for you to follow instructions or follow 3 or more procedures that you need to do.

Having these dyslexia signs and symptoms can be a serious condition but it is not that complicated if you immediately seek professional help and address the problem.